Microsoft Dynamics AX Reporting Project Deployment: ClrBridgeLoader: fatal error : Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell (isolated mode) Redistributable Package System.InvalidOperationException: The following components have not been installed or are not configured correctly: Microsoft Domain-Specific Language Toolsĭownload and install these required components. NOTE: Install regardless of operating system NET Framework 3.5 Ensure it is fully installed. Microsoft Dynamics AX Reporting Project Deployment: The following components have not been installed or are not configured correctly: AL.exeĭownload and install the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and. Posteado en EPĪ continuación os dejo una lista de posibles errores a la hora de implementar Enterprise Portal y como solucionarlos Cargando…Escrito por René Roca el 18 febrero, 2010.